Programme SAP CNVCDMCUCIA_GET_CHANGED_OBJS - CDMC : UCIA - Determination of SAP Objects impacted in an Upgrade / SP

This program is used to find the intersection of the SAP objects foundin the customer objects and the changed SAP objects. If there is anintersection, then the object is stored in the CNVCDOPUCIA_PL table.This program is supposed to run in the REFERENCE SYSTEM.
The customer can either go for an Upgrade or Support Package Application(SPA).
In case of SPA, the customer applies a series of piece lists, whichmakes required changes and add objects. Hence the intersection can befound by comparing the Objects in the piece lists with those found afterrunning CNVCDOPUCIA_GET_USED_SAP_OBJS report at ANALYSIS SYSTEM.
In case of an Upgrade, we find out all the SAP objects that hasundergone change after the Upgrade. The changed objects can be de
termined by querying the TODIR table. These objects are then comparedwith those found after running CNVCDOPUCIA_GET_USED_SAP_OBJS report atANALYSIS SYSTEM.
The program is used as an activity for the UCIA scenario of CDOP .

Run CNVCDOPUCIA_GET_USED_SAP_OBJS report at ANALYSIS SYSTEM to get allthe SAP objects used by the customer objects.
