Programme SAP CND_MAST_BDOC_ADD_CONDREF - Report to add the segment Report to add the segment to CNB* BDoc-types

Report to add the segment CDBD_CONDREF to CNB* BDoc-types (Conditions).
Updating the BDocs for conditions is necessary to enable the dataexchange of the table CDBD_CONDREF to the mobile client.
The report should normally run only once. In case of any problems thereport can be restarted as often as necessary.

No selection criteria available.

The report provides a protocol about any problems. Further details canalso seen in the application log.

In detail the following is done:

  • Regeneration of super-workingset (necessary for mBDoc)

  • Regeneration of all existing condition BDocs in order to add the new
  • segment CDBD_CONDREF