Programme SAP CMAC_FINANCIAL_HOLD_REMOVE - Remove student financial holds according to financial situation

Remove financial holds from student master according to financialsituation.

Check student account situation. If no open items overdue, removefinancial holds from student master.


  • Define hold type.

  • Define selection method and implement BADI.

  • Student and student account must exist.

  • Implement BADI HRIQ00_SET_STATIND for process AC11.
  • Features


    • Selection method and selection variant

    • Get student(s) according to the selection criterion.
      Modify variant for selection cerition.
      • Checking date

      • This date will be used to check student account situation, if nooverdue the financial hold will be removed from student master.
        • Simulation

        • Check only when choosing this flag otherwise student master will beupdated.
          • Display log
          • Output

            • Selection Information

            • List all the input parameters.
              • Student list

              • List all the students have been processed with status and shortexplanation.
                • Application log

                • List application log.