Programme SAP CCSEQ_CSG_DELETE - Delete Change Sequence Graph

Deletes all data from the database tables CCSEQ and CCSEQ_CYCLE, or onlythe data that belongs to the specified types.

If the change sequence graph has been activated, the system must betriggered to start rebuilding the change sequence graph. This is doneusing program CCSEQ_NODES_REBUILD.

To delete all data from the database tables CCSEQ and CCSEQ_CYCLE,choose the Delete Entire Graph option on the selection screen.
To delete relationships with a specific type, choose the Only DeleteRelationships with Type: option. You then specify therelationship type that is to be deleted fromthe change sequence graph.

You can view the results in the application log. To do so, call uptransaction SLG1, and choose object CCSEQ.