Programme SAP CACS_TRICAS_RUN - Additional Commission Case

This report executes the closure run in the commission system. Flat-rateremuneration and guarantee remuneration is calculated in the closurerun.
The following criteria can be entered in the calculation:

  • Contract number:You can enter one or more contract numbers
  • here. If no number is entered, all contracts will be settled.
    • Remuneration type: You can enter one or more remuneration
    • types here. If no remuneration type is entered, all remuneration typeswill be settled. Only remuneration types of the category flat-rate orguarantee are selected.
      • Key date: This is the date up to which calculations are
      • done. A log is kept for both flat-rate remuneration and guarantees, andtells you the last time processing was carried out.
        • Test run: If the Test run is selected, the calculation is
        • only carried out as a test - no postings will be made.
          The following takes place in calculation:
          The calculation is made for each contract. If a contract has a validagreement for the remuneration type given, it will be calculated. If anagreement is already calculated at the key date, it is not calculatedagain. Calculation frequency is defined for each remuneration type.Processing only takes place if the calculation frequency is due at thekey date and the contract has not yet been settled for the period.
          Each calculation run has a run number. For each run, the relevantentries are stored in the log.
          In the case of each calculation run, details are given for each contractregarding the periods for which calculations have been made and theamount that has been calculated.
          Each calculation run can be executed for one or more commissioncontract(s).
          At the start of the calculation run, the period for which the contractwas calculated is entered in the log. The calculated amount is alsodisplayed.
          Errors that occur during the calculation run are displayed under
          Administration -> System Administration ->Logs.. -> Additional Commission Case .
          If there is an error in a commission contract, the additional conditioncontracts are not calculated.

          You must have the following authorizations:

          • Authorization for the application

          • Authorization for mass processing