Programme SAP CACS_RV14BTCI - Batch Input Interface for Conditions

Batch input report CACS_RV14BTCI is used to process condition records:


Information on the whole batch input session is defined in the sessionheader record.
Information, for example the transaction code and key, on a wholetransaction is defined in the header record.
A batch input structure is created in the Data Dictionary for eachcondition table that is to facilitate batch input.
Every structure is identified by record type, condition type and tablename.
The structures are as follows:

  • BGR00 record type 0 session header record

  • BKOND1 record type 1 header data (transaction code, condition type,
  • table name)
    • BKOND2 record type 2 main data (vakey)

    • BKOND3 record type 3 scale data

    • For every field that is transferred in the batch input structure, youmust be able to decide whether the value of the field is initial (inother words, field is to be reset to the initial value), or whetherbatch input is not necessary for this field. For this, you have toagree on a special indicator that means: 'No batch input for thisfield'. The default for indicator for this is '/'.
      If you do not want to use '/', you can define another indicator in thesession header record in field BGR00-NODATA.
      Before the batch input structure is filled, every field in thestructure must have this special indicator as its first character(except for the session header record BGR00).
      The fields in the structures refer to the data elements of the fieldsin the original table. This is not the case, however, for numerical andpacked fields. These need their own data elements (category CHAR) forbatch input, as a special indicator cannot be used in a packed field.This allows amounts with a decimal place to be transferred at theinterface.

      • File name (app. server) ,,,,Path and name of file on the application
      • server
        • Local file - Path and name of file on the presentation server

        • This entry is either the file name (app. server) or local file.
          Only check X- file. System does not create BDC session, only theincoming file is checked.

          Special fields in the session header record:
          The session name must be given in the session header record(BGR00-GROUP). If you send a second session header record, the currentsession will be closed and another will be opened.
          Special indicator NODATA can be sent in the session header record (seeabove).
          A lock date can also be given (BGR00-START). Any date set must have theformat 'YYYYMMDD'.

          Supported transactions:
          The following central transaction is supported in the current version:

          • XK15 Create condition (for applications V or M)

402362Report of IMG activity Conditions: Create sequential file