Programme SAP CACS_REVERSE_TRICAS_RUN - Reset - Additional Commission Case

Canceling closure or settlement runs

This report executes the cancellation run for closure or settlementruns.
In the cancellation of closure runs, the runs for flat-rateremuneration and for guarantees are reset.
It is important to note that only the last run can be reset, ascalculations in one period can be based on calculations from theprevious period (for example, recalls of guarantees and building ofcancellation reserves).
The following criteria can be entered:

  • Contract number: You can enter one or more contract
  • numbers here
    • Key date: This is the date up to which documents are to
    • be taken into account.
      • Closure or settlement runs

      • The following happens in processing:
        All runs that fulfill the selection criteria are chosen. All documentscreated in a run are reset (cancelled). If the documents from a closurerun have already been settled, an offsetting entry is made, which isthen taken into account for the next settlement.
        When a closure run is cancelled, the documents created are reset(marked as cancelled) in the disbursement system (for example,FI) and in the commission system. The clearing information is removedfrom the cleared documents (those that have been settled).
        The run logs for the runs that have been cancelled are also marked ascancelled

        Errors are shown in the run report.