Programme SAP CACS_RET_DBC - Retention: Database Conversion

Database conversion of function: Reserve

You use the reserve function in your commission application.
To carry out the database conversion, you must implement theBAdI

This program converts the Customizing, master data and transaction dataof the reserve functions. The data is migrated to the new functions ofthe retention.
The database conversion can be scheduled as a background job. This isrecommended if you use the reserve function extensively and a large datavolume has to be converted.

You must convert each commission application separately. You can choosethe commission application you wish to convert in the selection screen.

You can start the conversion in simulation mode. The program will runcompletely but there will be no changes to the database.

After making your selection, you should check for any possible dataconflicts. Start the check by choosing "Check Data".
After the check, the database conversion displays any conflicts found.You must solve all conflicts before the database conversion can be runwithout errors.
Now start the database conversion.