Programme SAP CACS_RESET_MAP - Reset Copy Services

You can reset copy services in Customizing by choosing Commissions -> To
ols -> Copy Services -> Reset Copy Services. This runs the CACS_RESETtransaction or the CACS_RESET_MAP program.
When you reset a copy service, you can either:

  • Reset only the administrative data for the current Customizing settings.
  • The subprograms that are responsible for mapping are regenerated fromthe existing Customizing settings.
    • Alternatively, you can reset Customizing for the copy service back to th

    • e standard Customizing according to the selected packages. TheCustomizing settings that have already been made are lost in thisprocedure. If these settings are required, you need to save them beforeresetting (in any form preferred). The standard Customizing settings areused for immediately generating the administrative data for the copyservices.
      In both of these options, the administrative data of the copy services i
      s deleted and regenerated. It is not advisable to reset the Customizingdata separately because the administrative data depends upon theCustomizing settings.
      When you delete the administrative data for the copy services, all the s
      ubroutine pools from the program library in the SAP System are deletedalso, and the number range for the number assignment of the subroutinepools is reset to zero.
      The new administrative data is immediately regenerated after deletion. T
      his is either based on the current customizing (option "DeleteAdministrative Data and Regenerate From the Current Customizing") or thestandard Customizing for the copy services (option "Reset to StandardCustomizing and Regenerate Administrative Data). The commission caseprocess is speeded up because generation is carried out at this point intime.
      For more information on version management for copy services, and for ge
      nerating subprograms for mapping, see the documentation on the functionmodules CACS_MAP2_VERSION_ADMIN and CACS_MAP2_MAPPING_GENERATOR.

      For the selected commission application, it is only possible to delete t
      he administrative data for the copy services or the administrative andCustomizing data. Once the current Customizing settings have beendeleted, the standard Customizing for copy services is reinstatedaccording to the selected packages of the application.
      As it is not advisable to delete only the Customizing data, the selectio
      n of the administrative data has been defaulted in the system and cannotbe changed.

      SAP does not provide any variants.

      Once processing has been completed, the system outputs a list containing
      the data for each processing step, for example, the number of deletedentries and the amount of new administrative data that has beengenerated.