Programme SAP CACS_REM_INQUIRY - Remuneration Inquiry

The remuneration inquirylets you display document data (document header and remunerationdocument) and related disbursement. Disbursement data incorporatessettlement items that were created in the commission case process,settlement schedule headers, settlement schedule items, and settlementitems that result from the conversion of settlement schedule items.

You can access the remuneration inquiry from the main menu of thecommission system (Info Center -> Remuneration Inquiry) or from aspecific commission contract (view the pushbutton in the toolbar). Inthe commission case and commission document there is a separate tab pagefor the remuneration result.

The following option is available for remuneration inquiry, depending onyour choice of packages:

  • If you have not selected the settlement scheduling package (CACS25) for
  • your application, the disbursement data 'only' includes the settlementitems that were created in the commission case process.
    • If you have selected the settlement scheduling package, the settlement
    • data may include settlement scheduling data (header and items) and thesettlement items that are created from settlement schedule items duringthe settlement schedule runs, in addition to the settlement items fromthe commission case process.
      If you double-click the identification of the commission document orcase, you can navigate to the document or case.

      You can select the data in three ways:
      Business Objects tab: Selection by all business object data suchas business object category, ID and version of the business object.
      Documents: Selection of remuneration documents by document ID(assignment year in the commission ledger and document ID), postingdate, commission contract number and remuneration type). If settlementscheduling is installed, you can also select by settlement schedule ID.
      Contracts: Selection by contract number, due date, andremuneration type.

      No standard variants are available.

      In the first processing step, the remuneration documents are selectedand executed on the basis of the selection criteria.
      You can then display the settlement data or settlement schedule data ofthe remuneration items that are selected (Settlement Data buttonor double-click on a remuneration line).
      The fulfillment level and fulfillment level period for actual commission(if available) are added to the settlement schedule data.
      No changes can be made to the displayed data.