Programme SAP CACS_PRC_SETTLEMENT_REV - Resetting of Settlement

You use program CACS_PRC_SETTLEMENT_REV for resetting thesettlement.
Note that you can only ever reset the last settlement run sincethis would otherwise create gaps for closedperiods, which would resultin incorrect postings.
The resetting run gets all the information for the specified settlementrun and first checks if the run can actually be reset. If so, alldocuments that have not yet been reset are selected. Then the relateddocuments and their entries are reset inrun administration.

You need the following authorizations:

  • Authorization for the application

  • Authorization for mass processing
  • Features
    You must enter the following parameters:

    Run Identification
    Run Number: The run number of the settlement run to be reset.


    • Contract Number: You can enter one or more commission contract.
    • If you do not enter any contract number, all commission contracts thatwere processed in the run are selected for resetting.
      • Settlement Type: You can enter one or more
      • settlement types. If you donot enter any settlement type, all settlement types will be resetaccording to the contracts.

        Processing Mode
        Simulation: If you set the simulation indicator, the resetting isonly settled. No postings are made.

        Time Control:
        You use the time control to determine which data is copied fromCustomizing for the process.
        The effective time-spot is theeffective date.
        The technical time-spot is thecalculation date.

        Each reset run automatically receives a run number. An entry is loggedin run administration foreach run. The periods that were calculated for each calculation andcontract are also documented in run administration, as well as theamount that was calculated.
        The results of the calculation and any errors are displayed in runadministration.