Programme SAP CACS_PRC_SETTLEMENT - Settlement

With program CACS_PRC_SETTLEMENT you carry out thesettlement.
The calculated is only made for eachcommission contract if avalid agreement exists for thesettlement type inCustomizing for the commission contract.
If an agreement has already been calculated on the upperdelimitation date, it willnot be calculated again. The
periodicity of the settlement in defined in Customizing for eachsettlement type. The settlement is only made when theperiodicity of thesettlement is due again on the upper delimitation date and thecommission contract has not yet been settled for theperiod.
If an error occurs in an agreement, the commission contract is notcalculated for this agreement. When the error is fixed, the commissioncontract can be calculated again for the settlement type.

The following authorizations are required:

  • Authorization for application.

  • Authorization for mass processing.
  • Features
    You can specify the following parameters:


    • Contract Number: You can specify one or more commission contract.
    • If you do not enter any contract number, all commission contracts willbe settled.
      • Settlement Type: You can specify one or more settlement type. If
      • you do not enter any settlement type, all specified commission contractswill be settled according to their respective settlement types.
        • Delimitation Date This is the
        • delimitation date by whichthe settlement is to be carried out. The settlement uses thedelimitation date, for example, to transfer the last day of the month asthe delimitation date for monthly settlement. This day is also includedin the calculation. All settlement items for which the due date isbefore or the same as the delimitation date are included.

          Posting Date
          Here you specify the date on which the disbursement document is posted.You can choose to have the posting made on thedue date, thedelimitation date, thesettlement run date, or another date that you enter manually.
          The posting date refers to the posting in ICM. The disbursement systemnormally sets its own posting date resulting from the due datetransferred by ICM and the execution time-spot for the posting in thedisbursement system.

          Period-End Closing
          Here you decide whether to close the last period before the delimitationdate.
          Effect on Validity Dates
          If you close the last period before the delimitation date, the opensettlement items are automatically shifted to the first open period.
          Effect on Performance
          The advantage of closing periods is to improve performance. You canimprove performance considerably since these periods do not have to beprocessed again by subsequent settlements.

          Threshold Values for Minimum Amounts:
          Here you can select how minimum amounts are handled. It is possible todetermine a negative and/or positive minimum amount forthe settlement type in Customizing. Amounts within this interval can beexcluded from settlement.
          If the indicator Threshhold Values for Minimum Amounts is set,the amount is settled regardless of the threshhold.
          If the indicator is not set, and the amount of the settlementitem is within a period between the minumum amounts, the amount (for acontract and settlement type) is not settled.
          You can use the BAdI CACS_SETTLEMENT_RUN_THR to determine the minimumamounts. Here you have the possiblity to implement your company-specificdetermination procedure.
          In the standard implementation, the system checks if the currentcommission contract is still valid. If this is ended, the determinedamount is settled regardless of the threshhold values.

          Processing Mode
          Simulation: If you set the simulation indicator, the settlementis only simulated. No postings are made.

          Time Control:
          This lets you determine which version of the commission contract andagreement for the contract are read and used for the calculation.
          The effective time-spot is theeffective date.
          The technical time-spot is thecalculation date.

          Each settlement receives a run number. The system creates an entry inthe run administration foreach run. The periods that were calculated for each settlement period,contract and settlement type are listed in run management.
          The calculation results and errors are logged in the businessapplication log.