Programme SAP CACS_PRC_RETENTION_MASS - Offset Retention

You can use this report to offsetretention.
The calculation is carried out for eachcommission contract. Thecalculation is carried out only if in Customizing you created a validagreement for the specified
retention rule for the commission contract.
If any errors occur in an agreement, the agreement is not calculated.Once you have corrected the errors, you can continue processing thecontract for the retention rule.

You must have the following authorization:

  • Authorization for mass processing
  • Selection
    You can define the following parameters:


    • Commission Contract Number: Here you specify the commission
    • contracts. If you do not specify a contract number, the system includesall commission contracts in the calculation process.
      • Retention Rule: Here you can specify one or multiple
      • retention rules. If you do not specify a retentionrule, the system uses all retention rules.
        • Delimitation Date: By specifying the delimitation date, you
        • define up to which date the system is to calculate the values.

          Processing Mode
          Simulation: If you set the simulation indicator, the calculationprocess is simulated only. No data is posted.

          Time Control
          You use the time control to define which versions of the commissioncontract and agreements are read and used in the calculation.
          The effective time spot is theeffective date.
          The technical time spot is thecalculation date.

          Each calculation is assigned a run number. An appropriate entry isstored in run administration
          for each run. In run administration, for each calculation andcommission contract the system records the periods for which the calc
          ulation was carried out.
          The results of the calculation and any errors that occurred aredisplayed in the application log.