Programme SAP CACS_PRC_GUARANTEE_REV - Resetting of Guarantees

You use program CACS_PRC_GUARANTEE_REV to resetguarantees.
Note that only the last run can be reset since calculations inany period may be based oncalculations from the prior period.
The resetting run gets all information on the specified run and firstchecks if the run can actually be reset. If this is the case, alldocuments that have not yet been reset are selected.

You need the following authorizations

  • Authorization for application

  • Authorization for mass processing
  • Features
    You must enter the following parameters:

    Run Number
    The number of the guarantee run that is to be reset.
    You can enter the following parameters:


    • Contract Number: You can specify one or more commission
    • contracts. If you do not enter any number, all commission contracts willbe selected for resetting.
      • Remuneration Type: You can specify one or more
      • remuneration type for theguarantee. If you do not enter any remuneration type, all remunerationtypes that are related to the guarantee will be reset.

        Processing Mode

        • Simulation: If you set the simulation indicator, the calculation
        • of the guarantee is only simulated. No postings are made.

          Time Control:
          With the time control you can determine which version of the commissioncontract and agreement rules are read and used for the calculation.
          The effective time-spot is theeffective date.
          The technical time-spot is thecalculation date.

          A run number is automatically assigned to each resetting. Acorresponding entry is made inrun administrationfor eachresetting run. In run administration the system specified which periodswere reset for each resetting run and each commission contract.