Programme SAP CACS_OAWLDEL - Mass Deletion of Worklists

Used to delete worklists for object assignment inFramework for Object Assignment (FOA)

You select worklists for deletion either by entering a selection date orby specifying worklist numbers. If you enter a selection date, all thoseworklists are deleted that were created before the specified date.
If you set the Force Deletion indicator, worklists are deletedeven if the processing status of the worklist does not permit itsdeletion. This is the case when either noassignment instructions orincorrect ones exist. For this reason, forced deletion can onlybe selected by a user who is authorized to do so withauthorization object E_CACS_OAA (activity ForceDeletion).
Deletion of worklist cannot be forced if the worklist is referenced byan assignment process. In this case the worklist canonly be deleted by deleting the assignment process