Programme SAP CACS_OAUIVAR - Creation of Selection Variants for User Interfaces

You use this program to create selection variantsfor generated user interfaces in Framework for ObjectAssignment (FOA).

User interfaces for use in the worklists of Framework for ObjectAssignment are generated with program CACS_OAUIGEN. You use the current program to generate the selection variants thatyou intend to use to configure the definition forworklist . Selection variants that were maintained in the definitionfor worklist affect the input behavior of theuser interface for managing worklists .

You can only generate a selection variant if you have already generatedan interface for the selected combination of assignmenttype, structure, usagetype and field selection (usage method).

The selection screen is the same as that of the generation programCACS_OAUIGEN.

In the initial screen, enter your selection criteria and execute theprogram. In the next screen the input fields of the generated interfaceare displayed.
Make your entries for fixed values and/or default values.
Choose Save to branch to the standard screen for variantmaintenance.
Specify the name and description.
Choose the appropriate attributes of the selection options to suit yourrequirements. Note that the only attributes that are currently availablein the worklist interface Required Entry and Protect Field.