Programme SAP CACS_OAUIGEN - Generation of User Interfaces

You use this program to generate user interfaces, depending on theassignment type, structurefor interface definition, usage type andfield selection.
If you generate a user interface for specifying context informationduring the creation of assignment processes, theassigment type is not available as a selection option since theassignment process may contain assignments of different types.

To generate user interfaces, you must have defined an interface for therequired combination of structure for interface definition, usage typeand field selection for the assignment type in Customizing forIncentive and Commission Management under Tools -> Framework for Object Assignment -> Define Assignment Typeunder the activity Interface Definition.
If an interface has already been generated for the required combination,processing is terminated with and an error message is issued.
If the generation of a new interface is to be made compulsory, you mustremove the name of the existing program in theconfiguration and delete the program.
We only recommend using this option if no (more)worklists exist that use the interface that is to bedeleted. After regenerating the interface (possibly with a new fieldselection), existing worklists become inconsistent. If existingworklists are not required, the program for the massdeletion of worklists can be used.
If the generated interface does not suit your requirements, it can beadapted with the ABAP/4 Workbench. An example of a modified interfacewould be to insert the attribute no-extension no intervals as aselection option for the selection screen. This deactivates the multipleselection option and hides the To input field.
Note that you may not change input fields of the SelectionOption type to the Parameter type.