Programme SAP CACS_OATRG1EXEC - FOA Connection: Execute Trigger of Type 'Commission Contract'

Processing of process triggers of type commission contract withthe target transfer processes, for instance to start or deleteentitlement and liability transfer.

Process triggers of type commission contract are triggered when acommission contract with a relevant termination reason is terminatedeffectively. The termination reason is relevant for the start oftransfer processes when a rule group for objectassignment is assigned to it in the configuration.

To execute the program, you may select a number of process triggers byspecifying the following selection options:

  • Contract Number

  • Number of commission contract(s) to be processed.
    • Execution Date for Trigger

    • Each process trigger contains information on when the transfer processis to be started. By specifying a date, you ensure that transferprocesses are not started before the required date. Since the processtrigger may become invalid before the scheduled execution date if thecorresponding commission contract is changed, we do not recommendstarting the process too soon.
      You may start the program in the following processing modes:
      • Create Assignment Processes

      • The system attempts to start a transfer process for all the selected
        process triggers. If you choose the option Start Workflow,the appropriate workflow for the process is started on creation of theprocess. If you do not choose this option, you must start the workflowat a later time by selecting the function in the user interface formanaging assignment processes.
        • Delete Trigger

        • Running the program in this processing mode deletes the selectedprocess triggers that are no longer required. Triggers that are nolonger required are those for which a process has already been startedor those that the system has flagged for deletion. The system flags atrigger for deletion if a trigger has become invalid since its creationthrough a new event. You can use the Delete Open Triggers optionto delete triggers for which no transfer process was started.
          • Display Trigger

          • Displays all the process triggers for the selection. You can navigatefrom the trigger display to the processing log.