Programme SAP CACS_LCC_PROVIDER - LCC : Provider - Generated Tables

Program CACS_LCC_PROVIDER provides information to the local currencyconversion (LCC) framework about generated ICM tables relevant forconversion.

This program is used by the LCC framework during ANALYZE and FILL phase.

This program checks whether the ICM extension switch is active.
It checks whether package CACSLC is added to the applications relevantfor conversion.
It provides information about generated ICM tables and their relevantfields (including fields added using the ICM construction and generationtool) for conversion to LCC framework.
It provides information to the LCC framework about special conversionprograms for tables _DOCRE, _DOCDT, <(>
<<)>appl>_DOCSE and _DOCSEDT.

Framework control tables EWUFZ, EWUFZP, EWUPGCT, EWUTABCT, EWUPGTAB andEWUPGSTAT are updated with the conversion information of ICM generatedtables.