Programme SAP CACS_LCC_MATCH_PRG - ICM-LCC: Controller Matching Program

Report CACS_LCC_MATCH_PRG performs the matching of documents after theconversion phase of local currency conversion as rounding differencesmight occur due to single-multiple records in different tables. Forexample _DOCRE and _DOCDT.
The matching is done for the amount fields of tables that are registeredin table CACS_LCC_MATCH. As tables are hierarchically dependent, thematching is done in sequential steps.
The matching of all table pairs (EVENT) in one sequence step is done atonce only after all EVENTS in previous step are completed successfully.
This report creates EVENTS for each ICM application participating inconversion in table
CACS_LCC_MATCH and intervals for application specific document tables intable
CACS_LCC_STATUS based on document post year.
Jobs are triggered for each event in CACS_LCC_MATCH which in turnprocesses the intervals in table CACS_LCC_STATUS of corresponding eventusing Framework for ParallelProcessing (FPP).
This report also updates the status of all triggered runs for jobs inthe EMU framework which can be seen in transaction EWSH and detail logof background jobs can be seen using transaction CACS_LCC_MATCH_LOG.

The conversion of documents is completed successfully in the CONVERSIONphase.

Jobs triggered for parallel processing in background.

Check status in transaction EWSH, phase RECON
Check JOB LOG for status of background jobs with name *CACS_LCC* and*FPP*.
Check detail log intervals processed in background in transactionCACS_LCC_MATCH_LOG.