Programme SAP CACS_IMPACT_ESTIMATOR - Calculation of Effect of Condition Change on Remuneration

Purpose cacs_impact_estimator
This program simulates the financial consequences of changing theremuneration rate.
The program performs an advance calculation of the result when thepercentage rate that was agreed for the conditions of the perform
ance-related remuneration is changed. This calculation references theremuneration history in a specified area and simulates the newremunerations by proportionately projecting for each rule of three,which means "New Remuneration = Old Remuneration * New Condition / OldCondition".
To improve performance, the documents are grouped by percentageintervals of the old condition and the effect of each group is thenanalyzed as a cluster (and not the individual documents). The results ofthe cluster are then analyzed jointly in order to project the overalleffect. The exactness of the results depend on the length of theintervals or the control of the values within the intervals.
The calculation process is divided into three steps:
Collecting and Compiling Data
Gets data from tables <(><<)>APPL>_DOCDT and <(><<)>APPL>_DOCRE,depending on the filter criterion entered in the selection screen anduses the BAdI method displayed on the selection screen to group thedocument by remuneration rate.
Actual Calculation:
Calculates the overall percentage effect as well as the effect on eachinterval.
This is the calculation result.

There should be an adequate number of commission documents for thisapplication in the tables <(><<)>APPL>_DOCHD, <(><<)>APPL>_DOCDT and <(>

The following parameters and selection criteria can be used:

  • Application for which the effect is to be simulated.

  • Time period for which the calculation is to be made, including the
  • filter criteria
    • New values for the condition rate for which the analysis is to be
    • created.
      • Evaluation method to be used for the creation of intervals.

      • Interval specification.