Programme SAP CACS_FPP_DBC_FRAMEWORK - Framework for Parallel Processing of DB Conversion (See Note 833306)

The framework uses parallel background jobs to convert databases. Theprocessing takes place using "events". An event describes the databaseconversion of a table in the database. The database conversion must takeplace for each application and client in each system.

The database conversion for ERP 6.00 takes place for 18 events.This means that the background jobs run for several hours depending onthe quantity of data (in the individual tables). For this reason, youshould start the database conversion at a time when the systemworkload is at a minimum. It makes sense to execute the databaseconversion directly after the upgrade. This should be done firstin the development system, then in the consolidation system, and thenfinally (provided the execution is successful) in the production system.

Before you execute the data conversion (for each application, client,and system) you must first perform the following preliminary work, whichyou can do using this report. The report is divided into five steps:
(1),,Generate Customizing
(2),,Generate interval distribution
(3),,Start database conversion (parallel processing)
In the case of complete database conversions, you can execute thefollowing optional process steps:
(4),,Delete interval distribution
(5),,Delete Customizing

Enter the application to be processed.
If you start the "start database conversion (parallel processing)" step(3), then you enter the number of background jobs for each event underparallel processing.
Caution: If you enter "1" job for each event, then at least 18background jobs are started!
If jobs are to be cancelled, you can only restart the databaseconversion (flag). If this should occur again when you repeat thedatabase conversion, you should contact SAP.

For (1): No further selection conditions necessary -> Start (1)
For (2): No further selection conditions necessary -> Start (2)(dependent on the data volumes in the background)
For (3): Initial execution: ,,Enter the number of jobs for each event.
,,Restart: ,,Set the "Restart" flag.
For (4): If you have checked that the database conversion is correct,and do not want to convert any more data from another application in thesame client, then you can delete the interval distribution.
For (5): If you have checked that the database conversion is correct,and do not want to convert any more data from another application in thesame client, then you can delete the Customizing.
Controls for Database Conversion:

  • Use the "Background Jobs Log" button (or F7) to check the logs

  • Use the "Database Conversion Log" button (or F6) to check the logs

  • Check the events in the CACS_DBC_EVENT table

  • Check the instances (interval distribution) in the CACS_FPP_DBCYEAR in
  • the CACS_FPP_DBCYEAR table
    Have all events and intervals been processed?
    You should also check:
    • Are all time stamps maintained in all tables (see example)?

    • Is the LED_CURR field in the _DOCOBJ table maintained?

    • Does the reference to a _DOCHD line exist?

    • Has the database conversion been executed correctly?
    • Example
      The changes to the data in the individual tables are listed here:

      • The DATE and TIME fields are replaced by a time stamp TIMESTAMP.
      • This affects the triple:
        And the tables:
        • In addition, an "Update Time Stamp" has been added to the
        • document tables. This logs changes to existing data records. The fieldis called UPD_TIMESTAMP and exists after generation in thefollowing tables:
          • The third change affects the _DOCOBJ table, in which you must
          • maintain the LED_CURR field. This happens from a 1:n relationshipbetween _DOCHD and _DOCOBJ.