Programme SAP CACS_ERASE_SAMPLE_DATA - Delete Program for Application Test Data

You use this program to delete application test data such astransaction data, master data, client-specific configuration data, aswell as the application definition itself.
The data is actually deleted from the database and is not simply made"invalid" for the purposes ofperiod management. Youshould only use this report to delete application test data. It shouldnever be used in a production system.
Consequently this function is not available in productiveclients, only in Customizing clients.
IF &[SWITCH]ICM_01& = 'X'.

Database dependencies are checked in the delete program. For example,transaction data must be deleted before master data.

A commission application must exist. This application must not beproductive.
You require authorization to delete an application and to administermaster data.

The delete program lets you delete a commission application.
With this process you can delete the following:

  • An application definition

  • Cross-client data (especially construction data)

  • Automatically generated objects of the application

  • Client-specific data

  • Master data

  • Transaction data
  • Selection
    You must first execute the program in test mode. No changes are made tothe database in test mode.