Programme SAP CACS_700_UPGRD_LIAB - Upgrade: Adjust Customizing After Upgrade

You use this program when you upgrade to Release EA-APPL 700 or higherin order to add new mandatory functions to the existing tools of theliability.
As of Release EA-APPL 700 you may influence the selection ofremuneration lines that aresubject to liability. Thelogical service forliability provides the following methods:

  • Method 05 - Determine liability values

  • Method 06 - Adjust interrupted liability (increase)

  • It is assumed that the following methods of the logical service areimplemented through the tool to display liability agreements in thecontract.
    • Method 12 - Read rules

    • Method 13 - Read rule group

    • Method 15 - Edit rules

    • To ensure that the existing liability functions still work, this programadds the corresponding functions to all the liability tools. Thefollowing function modules are stored in the tool:
      • Method 05 - Function module _LOSA_LIABILITY_LIFO

      • Method 06 - Function module _LOSA_INTERRUPT_ADJUST

      • Method 12 - Function module CACS_LOSA_R3_LIA_R_READ_DFLT

      • Method 13 - Function module CACS_LOSA_R3_LIA_G_READ_DFLT

      • Method 15 - Function module CACS_LOSA_R3_LIA_R_EDIT_DFLT