Migration of settlement function modules in logical services.

You can specify the application you wish to migrate. If no appli
cation is specified, all applications will be migrated.
Test Run or Update Run: There is no change to the database in atest run.
Convert From FM to Tools: The tool applies for all applicationsbut the function assignment and re
lationships are application-specific. If more than one application isconverted and the name of the tool is the same, only the functionmodules for the application are added to the tool.
If a tool with corresponding functions already exists, an error messageis issued.
Assign Tools to Target IDs.: If the indicator is set, thecorresponding tool in which the target system was converted is assigned.If a tool is already assigned, it is overwritten. This means that if anerror occurs a new assignment can be made when the run is restarted.
The tool names are assigned in such a way that they start with servi
ce and then the number of the target system is added.
Object type class of settlement objects: 30
Posting function: 01
Reversal function: 02

The corresponding run log with messages is displayed in the applicationlog. The settings for the application log are used for this.