Short text

Activity Filter in Commission Contract and Commission Case (Changed)

Until Release 4.63, you were able to set the indicator CommissionCases Set to Pending in the commission contract. If this indicatorwas set, all the commission cases that referred to the commissioncontract were set to pending. From Release 4.64, you can now make amore detailed decision on whether to set a commission case to pendingor not if it refers to a commission contract.
This is done using the Activity Filter field. The contract typedetermines which activity types are allowed.
When the commission contract (a certain contract type) is ended, thecommission contract partner is not allowed to be paid any commissionsfrom new, replacement or adjustment business. However, she or he isstill entitled to remuneration for the maintenance of in-forcebusiness.
This requirement is now represented in Release 4.64. The indicatorCommission Cases Set to Pending is therefore obsolete as ofRelease 4.64.

XPRA = conversion of the old dataset using theCACS_464_CACS_CTRTBU report.
The data that referred to the old Commission Cases Set to Pending
field is migrated to the new field.

The FLG_STOPCSAE field in the transfer structure is obsolete.From Release 4.64, the transfer structure contains the FILTERIDfield.

To prevent unwanted remuneration types/standard remuneration types frombeing calculated for a business object type, you need to remove themfrom the calculation process. This transaction is documented by a logentry. You process this step in the customizing for the commissionsystem under the following:
Commissions -> Tools -> Filter -> MaintainException Procedure.
To decide whether a commission case that refers to a commissioncontract is to be set to pending or not, you need to define theactivity filter first. To do this, choose the following in thecustomizing for the commission system:
Commissions -> Tools -> Filter -> Activity Filter.
The commission contract type that you assign to the activity filter incustomizing determines the activity types that are allowed. Choose thefollowing in the customizing for commissions:
Commissions-> Basic/Master Data-> Standard CommissionContract -> Assign Commission Contract Type to Activity Filters.

In the area menu, the activity filter has its ownfield group (no. 63). This ensures that the known field modificationsof the BDT (compare with BDT developer manual) are available.

See also
Release Information: Remuneration Filter.