Programme SAP CACSSL_SETT_LOCK_APPROV - Fast Track Approval Process: Release of settlement locks

This transaction would allow the Sales Manager to edit amounts on unpaidsettlement lines which have a temporary lock or are released forsettlement.

For temporary locks the master data should maintained either insettlement

Package CACSSL should be implemented for this functionality to work. Youshould be set up as a commission manager for ICM Application and shouldhave access to E_CACS_DOC to run this transaction.

1)You can optionally enter Commission contract Range, Business partnerrange.
2) At minimum need to specify the Settlement type and Validity dates forthe run.
Note: If you select "Display Approved Lock Items" checkbox, thetransaction will only be presented in display only mode.
3) You can save your selections options as a variant.

The transaction will display data at two different levels:
1) Aggregate Level
The data is summarized at this level for Contract/Business Partnercombination. Four different amounts fields are displayed:
,,a) Old Locked Amount - This amount is the summation of all lines thathave a settlement lock type "X".
,,b) Old Unlocked Amount - This amount is the summation of all linesthat have been released for settlement.
,,c) New locked Amounts and New unlocked Amounts - Amounts that arecalculated based on the changes performed by the user.
2) Details Level
The data is displayed for each individual settlement lines, along withthe data for amounts.

As a Sales Manager, you have the ability to adjust the settlementamounts. This transaction would allow you to adjust amounts forsettlement for each of the agents that you are responsible for.
A Sales manager can only adjust the amounts equal to the entitlement ascalculated by the system. This means that you can either lock the wholeamount from settlement, release partial or release whole amounts. Noincrease of the entitlement is allowed. Please refer to example sectionfor a test scenario.

If Business Partner "Joe Agent" with contract "001" has 3 differentsettlement lines:
Line 1 - 100 US D with settlement lock
Line 2 - 200 USD released for Settlement
Line 3 - 100 USD with settlement Lock
When the transaction is executed for thi s partner, the aggregate lineswould like this
BPartner/Contract ID/Old Locked Amt/Old Unlocked Amt/New Locked Amt/NewUnlocked Amt/ Currency
Joe Agent/ 001/200/200/0/0
The manager from here on can perform 3 activities:
1) Lock entire amount => New locked amount = 400
2) Release entire amount => New Unlocked amount = 400
3) Release different amounts from originally calculated => New lockedAmount = 100
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, New Unlocked Amount = 300
The system will not allow the total amounts to exceed total entitlementamounts.