Programme SAP CACSSE_SETTLE_INQ - Settlement Inquiry: Document Selection

The settlement inquiry provides you with a quick overview of existingsettlement documents in ICM. You can restrict the display of settlementdocuments as required.
You also have the option of navigating directly to the document of thetarget system for the settlement (such as FI, FS-CD or HCM).

You can only display documents in the settlement inquiry that aredirectly related to the settlement. This means that only documents oftype '8' (settlement) are displayed.

To make your selection, you have to enter a commission contract,settlement type, document number, run number or period. If you enternone of these parameters, a warning is issued and no selection is made.
If multiple selection criteria are entered, only the settlementdocuments are selected that fulfill all the restrictions.
You can choose the following parameters for displaying the settlement:

  • Commission Contract

  • Settlement Type

  • Document Number

  • Document Year

  • Settlement Document Type (all, reset or resetting documents)

  • Run Number

  • Period Rule

  • Period

  • Settlement Amount
  • Output
    The selection result is displayed in two tables (ALV Grid). The firsttable contains the settlement document headers and the secondtable contains the settlement line items.
    If multiple settlement documents were found by the selection, all ofthese are displayed. A summary of the most important data is displayedabove the tables. You can also display the individual settlementdocuments.
    By double-clicking in either of the tables, you can navigate to therespective settlement system. The reference (PAYREFID) of the twodocuments is transferred so that the corresponding document is displayedin the target system.
    This function is a BAdI implementation, and it can also be used forcustom target systems. Default implementations exist for navigating tothe SAP target systems (FI, FS-CD and HCM).