Programme SAP CACSSD_CMDC0 - Check Condition Master Data

Problems often arise in condition master data following client copiesor transports due, for example, to:

  • Termination during the maintenance of condition records or

  • Incorrect settings in price determination condition records

  • The problems can often be traced back to inconsistencies in conditionmaster records, however, this makes it even more difficult to identifythe condition tables, agreements or records concerned.
    This report checks master data within user-defined boundaries anddisplays the results in list form, facilitating batch processing (longruntime with large volumes of data). By double clicking in the list,you can obtain additional information on the variable keys for therecords in question, and the record itself can be displayed in as faras it can be reconstructed.
    It is currently not possible to carry out automatic repairs or makerepair proposals.

    Consistency KONH / Consistency KONP
    Each record from the selected condition tables, and related usage, ischecked to see whether there is a related record in tables KONH andKONP. In table KONP there is also a test to see whether, if a recorddoesn't exist, there is a record with the same condition record numberbut with the counter KOPOS not equal to '01'. Depending on the resultsrequired, you can make repairs by deleting the record in the conditiontable or re-creating the condition record with exactly the same data.
    Check VAKEY / KSCHL
    Each record is checked to see whether the entries of the variable keyand the condition type in the condition table correspond to the entriesin tables KONH and KONP. Only the fields that do not correspond areoutput. Repairs are carried out on a case-by-case basis and can be doneaccording to 1.
    Scale check
    If the scale indicator in the condition record does not correspond tothe actual status in table KONM (quantity scale) or KONW (value scale),this is determined and output here. Repair: Delete scale indicator andKONM/KONW entries, and create them again.
    Overlapping periods
    Condition records are output whose validity periods overlap despite thesame variable keys and the same condition type.
    Double agreements
    The entries in the condition tables are checked to see whether anyrecords have the same variable keys and condition type that refer tothe same sales or bonus agreements.
    Number issue
    The current number range object status and the current highest statusin KONH / KONP for the condition table in question is output. Ifnumbers exist that are above the number range object status, these aremarked with a red traffic light. It can also happen that numbers usedinternally appear in the database, in which case these are flagged withan amber traffic light.