Programme SAP CACSCP_RCP_WORKLIST_ADMIN_ALV - RCP: Administration of Worklists

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Administration of worklists for retrospective case processing (RCP)

You can use the CACSRCPWORKLIST transaction to call the worklistadministration from the initial commission case administration(transaction CACSRCPCASE).

The ISF package for retroactive case processing (CACSCP) must have beenselected for the relevant commission application.

The RCP worklist administration incorporates the following functions:

  • Process worklists

  • Create new worklists

  • Change status of worklists

  • Delete worklists

  • Select worklists

  • Display processing logs

  • Display current processings

  • You go to the initial commission case administration to create newworklists.
    Once you have created the worklists (transaction CACSRCPCASE) you canthen process them.
    For worklists whose processing is cancelled, you must intervene manuallybefore you can restart their processing. Prerequisite for this is thatthe status is changed to New Attempt. If a worklist is definitelynot to be processed, then you can set the corresponding status.
    Choose Delete to delete worklists from the database.
    After processing a worklist, a processing log is available.
    Choose Overview to determine whether worklists can currently be

    The standard system displays the ten most recently processed worklistsfor the user. The following statuses are not included in the standard:

    • Processed successfully

    • Incorrect

    • If you want to display different worklists, you can use the following
      criteria for the selection:
      • ID and status of worklist

      • Changer and change date of worklist

      • Category, ID and version of business object

      • Category and ID of remunerating business transaction

      • Individual reports
      • Standard_variants
        Standard variants are not provided

        The following symbols display the current status of the worklists:
        @KA@,,Worklist is currently being created
        @8X@,,Worklist is ready for processing
        @15@,,Worklist is currently being processed
        @DF@ ,,Worklist was successfully processed
        @03@ ,,Worklist is invalid
        @9Y@,,Manual processing required
        @KF@,,New start after manual processing
        @F1@,,Worklist was canceled
        You can have the system display the meaning of the symbols. To do thischoose @3D@ with the quick info Legend.
        In the Case column, choose the desired commission case ID,or use the context menu to navigate to the commission cases in theworklist.