Programme SAP CACSCP_RCP_CASE_ADMIN - RCP: Administration of Initial Commission Cases

Management of initial commission cases using retroactive case processing(RCP)

This program is an element of the processing of retroactive commissioncases. In the first step, you select the commission cases, for which anincorrect processing has been determined (referred to as 'initialcommission cases'). You can use this program to manage these commissioncases.
The standard system displays the last ten commission cases with a statusother than "Worklist Was Created Successfully", and which thecurrent processor processed. It is also possible to select any initialcommission cases at any time.

To display initial commission cases, you must have selected the CACSCPpackage (retroactive case processing). Creating a worklist checks theauthority of the E_CACS_RCP authorization object.

The program provides the following functions:
For each initial commission case, you must first create a processingrule for the worklist. This is necessary for the RCPprocessing. To do this, choose Execute.
The system first determines all commission cases that are dependent onthe initial commission case. This includes the commission cases thatcould also be affected should the initial commission case berecalculated (such as commission cases that unbundled the subobjectsfrom the initial commission case).
According to the logical service tool, which you must assign to eachinitial commission case, the worklist is created for all commissioncases that are found. You can navigate to this display once a worklisthas been created.
If you want to select a new initial commission case, then choose theCreate New icon. You can use various selection criteria to selectcommission cases, provide them with the logical service tool, and thenadopt them as initial commission cases. You use the correspondinginterface to enter mass data.
If you cannot create the worklist for an initial commission case (forexample, because it has been canceled) then the commission case is giventhe status Creation of Worklist Canceled. It is then no longerpossible to create a worklist for this case. If, after manualprocessing, the prerequisites for creating a worklist cannot be met,then you can manually change the status to Ready to Create Worklist
Choose Delete to delete initial commission cases from thedatabase.
To select commission cases other than those displayed, choose OtherCommission Cases.
Choose Log to call the log that is written when creatingworklists.

To call the selection and display of initial commission cases, chooseOther Commission Cases. The following selection criteria areavailable:

  • Identification of worklist

  • Status of initial commission case

  • Assigned logical service tool

  • User making changes, and change date of initial commission case (not the
  • original commission case)
    • Type, identification and version of business object

    • External key of commission case

    • Internal key of commission case

    • Individual reports
    • Standard_variants
      Standard variants are not provided.

      The selected initial commission cases are displayed.