This program is used for converting documents that were posted in anearlier release. The reversal document was in a different documentcategory in Releases 4.61 and 4.62 (category 0). From Release 4.63 itwill be in the same category as the document that it reverses and willalso have the "object reverses other object" indicator (FLG_REVERSOR).

The program reads all the reversal documents and the correspondingsource document, then gives the reversal document the same category.The FLG_REVERSOR field is filled with an X. The program works on onepackage at a time, and can be restarted. The conversion is of agenerated table.

The package size specifies the number of documents (reversal documents)after which a commit is to be set in the database.
It is possible to start the progam as a testrun, and so make no changesto the database.
As a result, a log can be displayed that shows the converted documents.The log is displayed if the program parameter Detailed log hasbeen selected. This option should not be selected if there is a largevolume of data (in the productive system).