Programme SAP BWOM2_TIMEST - BWOM2_TIMEST: Time-stamp Maintenance

For test purposes, a functionality for to resetting of the date
Time of last delta or init extraction from an oltp system isrequested.

Please be aware of the fact, only one BW system should be connected.Otherway, there is a danger that already extracted data will beextracted twice and appears doubled in BW!
Since changes done by the ABAP report BWOM2_TIMEST in case of animproper use may cause a damage of data beeing extracted from theDataSource (data of skipped time intervall may be lost or extractedtwice), a usage of this program is strongly recommended only to a personwhich understand the logic of Delta meachanism controlled by timestamps. If a corruption of any data will be caused by incorrect usingthe program, the responsibility is entirely that of the customer.

Execute the program - the entry field for to enter a DataSource appearson the selection screen. Enter the requested DataSource & execute.
On displayed list, in the column LAST_TS mark a line which you want toset as the last extraction (mark exactly one line). The last two columnson the right hand side provide you with the date(&time) inexternal format that corresponds to timestamp (GMT).
If you save this new setting now, the database table BWOM2_TIMEST willbe modified corresponding to the just diplayed list.

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844222Two OR more BW systems against one OLTP system
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448110BCT-CO Delta DataSources: Dump with message BWOM2002
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