Programme SAP BUSOBARCH_DELETE - BDT: Archiving - Deletion Program

To delete archived data from the database (BDT event ARCH4).

Archiving runs, for which the deletion phase has not yet been concluded,exist in the archive administration.
If the deletion program is not called up automatically after the writeaction has been completed successfully you must wait till archiving hasbeen completed. You can process a complete archiving run with all thearchive files, or you can select individual archive files forprocessing.

1. Choose archive selection.
A dialog box appears with the archiving runs that exist for thisarchiving object. In general, this should be the archiving run justcarried out.
2. If you want to process a complete archiving run, select the one yourequire and choose Continue. You return to the original screen.
Expand the archiving run if you want to process one or more particulararchivng files. Now select the required archive files and chooseContinue.
3. Maintain the start date and the spool parameter.

You have now entered all the data needed for the background job. SelectExecute in order to carry out the job now.
After all the archive directories of a run have been completely written,the system event SAP_ARCHIVING_WRITE_FINISHED is triggered by the ADK.As a reaction to this event, processes that follow archiving, forexample, the automatic saving of files, can be triggered by externaltools.
The business partners archived or removed from the system, as well asthe business partners that are still being used and cannot be archivedor deleted, are listed in an application log.
Choose the application analyse application log, and enter theobject BDT_DATAARCHIVING and the subobject CA_BUPA.