Programme SAP BUSCRCNT - BDT: Generate Subscreen Containers for Screens

BDT: Generate Subscreen Containers for Screens

You use the BDT to easily change the layout of screens. All you need todo is change the arrangement of views (represented technically bysubscreens). In the background the BDT must ensure that the subscreensof a screen are presented in a subscreen container that has asufficient number of sufficiently large subscreen areas.
This report checks the subscreen containers assigned to the BDTscreens. As required

  • the current subscreen container is extended, or

  • another subscreen container is assigned, or

  • a new subscreen container is created and assigned to this BDT screen.

  • If a user changes the layout of a BDT screen, the system automaticallygenerates the background subscreen container. The same applies if thesettings are changed in another system, and the changes are transportedto the current system. If inconsistencies do occur, this is usuallymanifested in the form of missing data fields, or as discrepancies inthe screen output, such as superimposed data fields. In this case youcan re-generate the subscreen containers manually by starting thisreport manually.


    The screen layout in the BDT is client-specific. You can use theclient, application object, and screen to define which screens shouldbe re-generated.
    Re-generation of subscreen containers does not take place immediatelyafter a change to the screen layout. At this point in time, the systemmerely notes that a generation must take place (table TBZ3A_GEN). Thisgeneration takes place as soon as the first user calls maintenance withthe corresponding screens. No generation is required with subsequentcalls.
    In the selection screen you can now decide whether you only want tore-generate the screens noted in table TBZ3A_GEN, or all the selectedscreens.
    Using a separate switch you can also delete all existing subscreencontainers, and re-generate them. The prerequisite is that all screensin the system (for all clients) are selected for re-generation. If thenumber of clients is large, this request takes a long time to beprocessed, and should therefore be conducted in the background.