Programme SAP BUP_ROLE_CUSTOMER_CONVERT - Conversion of BP Role CRM000 (Customer)

Up to and including SAP_ABA 6.20 and CRM 4.0 only the business partnerrole Customer (CRM000) was updated in the table BUT100.It served as the higher-level role for the following roles:

  • Sold-to party (CRM001)

  • Ship-to party (CRM002)

  • Payer (CRM003)

  • Bill-to party (CRM004)

  • Thus it was not possible to make a distinction within the role"customer", nor was it possible to use the previously mentionedlower-level roles in processes.
    It was also not possible to search according to these roles.
    The conversion of the BP role concept in SAP_ABA 6.40 means that theroles that are subordinate to the role CRM000 are now updated themselvesin table BUT100, which makes it possible to explicitly use and searchfor the roles.
    The report BUP_ROLE_CUSTOMER_CONVERT makes it possible to convert therole CRM000 in the table BUT100 to the now updated rolessold-to party, payer and bill-to party, following anupgrade to a release based on SAP_ABA 6.40.
    The role CRM001 (sold-to party) is no longer valid, and the roleCRM000, which was previously called "customer" is renamed"sold-to party" in SAP_ABA 6.40.



    Following the selection of the business partners that should beconverted and the selection of the relevant target roles, the roleCRM000 assigned to the business partners in table BUT100 isconverted to the target roles (also in table BUT100).

    First select a number of business partners in the selection area.
    Bear in mind that when you have a large number of business partners anda correspondingly large BUT100 table, theconversion can take a long time and that thiscan tie up resources that may be needed elsewhere. We recommend thatyou schedule the conversion as a job.
    Select the roles into which the role CRM000 should be converted.
    If the conversion should be carried out as a test (for example, inorder to determine the number of business partner roles to be converted)
    , you should set the indicator Test Run.
    It is possible to restart the report, repeating the conversion for anumber of business partner roles that have already been converted once.Target roles into which the role CRM000 has already been converted areignored when they are selected again.


    A results log in the form of a list with information about the numberof converted business partners and roles is issued after the selectionarea has been processed and conversion into the target roles has takenplace.
