Programme SAP BUPA_SEND - Program BUPA_SEND

The business partners and their relationships, defined through theselection conditions, are sent to SAP XI.

First you can choose which objects you want to send : business partners,relations, or both objects.
Then you can restrict the number of partners and/or relationships to besent, by means of selection fields.
If the selection delivers more than 100 hits, you are asked in a dialogbox whether you want to send all the data.
You can restrict the number of relationships by using the relationshipcategory. If it has been defined that the relationships should not besent, a restriction based on the relationship category has no effect.
You can also use a radio button to decide whether a relationship shouldstill be selected if only one of the business partners in questioncorresponds to the selection conditions, or whether this must be thecase for both business partners. Technically speaking, both businesspartners in a relationship are represented by the fields PARTNER1 andPARTNER2 of the corresponding entries in table BUT050.
You can also select the size of the data blocks that will be sent. Forexample: if your business partner selection results in 20 entries, andyou have chosen a block size of 8, then program BUPA_SEND willsend the results in three blocks of eight, eight and four data records.
If you have not entered any block sizes, the business partners andmessages are each sent in a separate message. In this case, the radiobutton First Partners then Relationships has no effect.
If you have entered a block size and determined, using the radio button,that business partners and relationships should be sent together, thenmessages are sent whose maximum number of business partner data recordsis determined by the block size. Such a message includes all therelationships for the business partners contained here.
In the above-mentioned example, there are eight business partners withthe relevant relationships in the first message, eight business partnerswith the relevant relationships in the second message, and four businesspartners with the relevant relationships in the third message.
If you have entered a block size and determined, using the radio button,that first the business partners and then the relationships should besent; the business partners are then sent first in messages defined bythe block size, and subsequently the relationships are sent in messagesalso determined by the block size.
You can continue to define the SAP XI target system (this does notaffect other communications layers, such as ALE).
The target system entered here is taken into account by SAP XI only ifneither receiver determination for the sending system nor the interfaceABABusinessPartnerOut has been maintained at SAP XI.