Programme SAP BTFR_COPY - Copy OTR Texts

The report is used to copy OTR short texts from one application toanother (for example, texts in BSP to texts in ABAP WebDynpro). So thata new alias name can be determined, the copies must be available inanother packet. The old and the new application as well as the old andthe new package must be entered on the selection screen.
Only those texts that have an alias name are included. If necessaryalias names have to be created before the texts can be copied. Thereport must be run in the system in which the originals of the new textsare to be kept. The texts are either copied in all available languages,or in the original language only (checkbox "In Original Language Only").
Since translations are usually in a different system to the originalsthere is another report (BTFR_COPY_TRALA) to copy the translations.

A list of all texts of the old application from the old package is isdisplayed with the old and and the new alias name. If the new alias namealready exists, the associated text cannot be copied.
In the list you can select the texts you want to copy. To create thecopies choose "Save".