Programme SAP BS_PERIOD_TOOLSET_CUSTOMIZING - Period Toolset - Simulation and Customizing Check

This program provides the simulation and Customizing check of the PeriodToolset. According to your Customizing settings, the program simulatesperiod generation, period mapping and due date determination.


  • SAP Factory/Holiday Calendar

  • ISO 8601 implementation for weekday number determination (SCAL default
  • implementation)

    You have created your settings in the Period Toolset Customizingactivity Define Periods and Due Date Rules.

    The program provides as an example the usage of the Period Toolset API(package BS_PERIOD_API) and its methods, including the followingclasses:
    CL_BS_PERIOD_TOOLSET_CUST,,Period Toolset Customizing
    CL_BS_PERIOD_TOOLSET_BASICS,,Period Toolset Basic Date CalculationFunctions
    CL_BS_PERIOD_TOOLSET_CONTEXT,,Country Specific Context for Basic DateCalculation
    The application toolbar provides access to the SAP calendar, the PeriodToolset Customizing (including BAdI implementations for period mappingcategories and

    • Define Customizing Settings (Pushbutton: Frequencies and Mappings)

    • Execute Report with Settings specified

    • Optional: BAdI Implementations for Frequency Mapping Category and Due
    • Date Rule Modifiers


      • Selection of the period range (Begin Date and End Date)

      • Processing of periods, mapping of periods and due date determination
      • according to
        Frequency Type
        Frequency Mapping Type
        Due Date Rule

        Depending on the selection of the chosen process type, you'll get anoverview of:

        • Source period(s)

        • Destination period(s)

        • Due date(s)

        • Optional: Customizing settings
        • Activities
          Specify your Period Toolset Customizing for your application area (ifthe application area does not exist, specify a new one).
          Test your Customizing settings using this program.
          Optional: If you have defined your own period mapping categories or duedate rule modifiers, you must also define corresponding BAdIImplementations (see BAdI documentation).