Programme SAP BSP_UPDATE_MIMEREPOS - Update the MIME Repository based on frontend data

Compares the MIME Repositories between different systems.

a) Process whole structure:All objects below the specified MIME repository path are exportedto the hard disk.
b)Process flat structure: Only those objects in the specified MIMErepository path are exported. The structures below are not included.
c) Process single file: One file only is exported.A target directory is selected from a popup. If the checkbox"Include LOIO" is activated, a file is created in the target directorycontaining details about the LOIO assignment.
First a source directory in the front end fixed driveis selected from a popup.
a) Process whole structure: All files and folders from this sourcedirectory are created in the specified MIME repository path.
b) Process flat structure: Only the files from this source directoryare created in the specified MIME repository path.
c) Process single file: One file only is importedPackages are assigned according to the parent object of the MIMErepository. If the checkbox "Include LOIO" is activated, a filecontaining these details is searched for in the source directory.New folders and files are then created in the specified LOIOs. Anydifferences in the LOIOs of existing objects are indicated. If thecheckbox "Create with Different LOIOs" is activated,files (not the folders) are compared.

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