You can use this report to copy and transport Business Rule Framework(BRF) objects in Claims Management.

Key elements of the selection screen:

Main Selection
Enter an application class. You can also use the application classFLIGHT from the flight example.

Leave the entries for the import status (A) and version (0000) as theyare.

Object Restriction
You can specify which BRF objects you want to copy or transport. Thefollowing settings are possible:

  • SAP Objects

  • Non-SAP Objects

  • All Objects
  • Operations
    Specify which operations you want to execute. The following options areavailable:

    • Copy

    • Run the report in the client to which you want to copy the BRF objects(target client).
      The system copies all the BRF objects that match the selection criteriafrom the specified source client.
      You can only copy objects within a system. The copied objects are addedto the target client. Existing objects are changed accordingly. Noobjects are deleted in the target client. Obsolete and excluded objectsare not copied.
      • Transport

      • Run the report in the system and client from which you want to transportthe objects.
        The system creates transport requests for the selected BRF objects ofthe client. This is only possible if the client is a Customizing client.
        The system then prompts you to enter a transport request.
        Obsolete and excluded BRF objects are not transported, but remain in thedatabase.
        • Copy and Transport

        • Run the report in the system and client to which you want to copy theobjects or from which you want to transport the objects.
          The processes for copying and transporting objects are described above.

          Display Options
          After the copy or transport the system generates a list of resultscontaining the following entries:

          • BRF objects that were copied or transported (success messages)

          • BRF objects that were not copied or transported (warnings and error
          • messages) with the reason for the error.
            You can specify the scope and level of detail for the list of results.

            In simulation mode the system skips any operations that result inchanges to the database.

            The list of results comprises two parts:
            The first part lists all the table entries included by the report run,assuming you have set the display options accordingly.
            The second part lists all the tables that were included and shows thenumber of records that were added and updated for each one. The reportdoes not delete any entries. This means that the number of records thatwould theoretically have been deleted is only a statistical figure.



            • To make changes to the database you must switch off the simulation mode.

            • To transport BRF objects that were not delivered by SAP, you must copy
            • the report and add the tables to the include BRF_TRANSPORT_SIMPLE_MAINmanually.
              If these tables are specialization tables, note the following:
              Specialization tables for expressions: Enter an 'F' in the invertedcommas
              Specialization tables for actions: Enter an 'A' in the inverted commas

1048612SRM 6.0 SP02: Notes to be applied on NetWeaver 2004s SP11
1060294Parts of BRF formula cause DUMP during copy process
1027847Authorization check for BRF_TRANSPORT_SIMPLE