When you create a new application class, you can use this report asfollows:

  • You can use the report to copy the implementing classes (expression
  • types, action types, and so on) of the BRF from application class SYSTEMto the new application class.
    • You can use the report to copy the implementing classes (see above) and
    • at the same time create the new application class directly.
      This means that when you implement the BRF, you can group several stepsinto one.
      If you have already created your application class, you can use thisreport as follows:
      • You can use it to add other implementing classes to an application class
      • that has already been created.
        Ensure that you only specify object types that are missing in theapplication class. Otherwise, the system overwrites any existing objecttypes (in their original configuration).
        You cannot use this report to delete implementing classes.


        • This report is an important part of the BRF.

        • It does not make sense to implement the BRF for a new application classwithout this report.
          • You can fine-tune all the settings that you make here later on when you
          • maintain the relevant object types.


            • You need an application based on ABA 700.

            • You have created corresponding transport requests.

            • Note: If transport issues are not relevant for you, you canignore the following information.
              If you want to create the cross-client part of an application class aswell, you must have created a transport request for development objects(Workbench request) in the current client.
              If you do not have any Workbench request, you must use transactionBRFAPL01, as previously, to create the cross-client part of theapplication class in a suitable client (typically in the developmentclient).
              You must have created a Customizing request for all other objects.
              Note: It is often the case that you cannot do both these thingsin the same client, because the development landscape requires adevelopment client and a separate Customizing client.


              Application Class to Be Created section
              Make the following settings here:

              • Enter the required application class.

              • Specify whether the system should also create the cross-client part of
              • the application class (flag Create Cross-Client Appl.Class). Inthis case, you must enter a name for the application class in theShort Text field.
                • Specify whether the system should also create the client-specific part
                • of the application class (flag Create Client-Spec.Appl.Class).
                  The following combinations are possible for setting the two flagsCreate Cross-Client Appl.Class and CreateClient-Spec.Appl.Class:
                  • You set neither of the two flags.

                  • In this case, both the cross-client part (using transaction BRFAPL01)and also the client-specific part (transaction BRFAPC01) must havealready been created.
                    This is the standard behavior.
                    • You set both flags.

                    • In this case, neither the cross-client part nor the client-specific partmust have already been created.
                      This is the enhanced behavior.
                      • You only set the flag Create Client-Spec.Appl.Class.

                      • In this case, the cross-client part must have already been created.
                        Note: Theoretically, you could just set the flag CreateCross-Client Appl.Class. However, this setting does not make sense asthis constellation should not occur in practice.

                        Object Types section

                        • Sub-section Source Client for Object Types

                        • In the Source Client field, the system shows the client of thesource system (of the current system) from which the system copies theimplementing classes (object types) of application class SYSTEM to thecurrent client.
                          If this default setting is not correct, you can change the defaultsetting and enter the required client.
                          • Sub-section Expression Types

                          • Here you define which expression types you want to copy.
                            This flag is set by default with all expression types except for:
                            • Simple Formula

                            • Use the SAP Formula instead of the simple formula.
                              • Reference-Like Expression

                              • Only use the expression type Reference-Like Expression if youalso use the two action types BOR Event and Start Workflow.
                                • Sub-section Action Types

                                • Here you define which action types you want to copy.
                                  By default, this flag is set with the action types Function modulecall and Message output. Only set the flag with other actiontypes if you really need the action type in question.
                                  • Sub-section Event Type

                                  • Here you can define whether the system should automatically create anobject type for events.
                                    The individual flags have the following significance:
                                    The system does not create any event type.
                                    Standard class
                                    The system creates event type 1EVENT and in doing so uses the standardmaintenance class and the standard runtime class for events. The systemdisplays these standard classes in the fields Maintenance Class forEvents and Runtime Class for Events.
                                    Application-specific class
                                    You have created your own maintenance class and/or your own runtimeclass for events. Store these classes in the fields MaintenanceClass for Events and Runtime Class for Events.
                                    The system then creates event type 1EVENT according to the classes youdefined.
                                    • Sub-section Rule Types

                                    • Here you can define whether the system should automatically create anobject type for rules as well.
                                      The individual flags have the following significance:
                                      The system does not create any rule type.
                                      Standard class
                                      The system creates rule type 1RULES and in doing so uses the standardmaintenance class for rules. The system displays this standard class inthe field Maintenance Class for Rules.
                                      Application-specific class
                                      You have created your own maintenance class for rules. Store this classin the field Maintenance for Rules.
                                      The system then creates rule type 1RULES according to the class youdefined.
                                      • Sub-section Rule Set Types

                                      • Here you can define whether the system should automatically create anobject types for rule sets as well.
                                        The individual flags have the following significance:
                                        The system does not create any rule set type.
                                        Standard class
                                        The system creates rule set type 1RULESET and in doing so uses thestandard maintenance class for rule sets. This system displays thisstandard class in the field Maintenance Class for Rule Sets.
                                        Application-specific class
                                        You have created your own maintenance class for rules. Store this classin the field Maintenance Class for Rule Sets.
                                        The system then creates rule set type 1RULESET according to the classyou defined.
                                        • Sub-section Technical object types

                                        • Leave the default settings unchanged.

                                          Section Technical Settings
                                          Here you can define whether the report should only be executed in asimulation run, or in a realtime run.

                                          No variants are delivered, and so there is no explicit standard variant.


                                          Package and transport assignment
                                          If you also create the cross-client part of an application class, thesystem displays a dialog screen in which you must assign a package. Youmight also have to assign a Workbench request.
                                          With the other objects you might have to assign a Customizing request.

                                          Results display
                                          The system displays a list with the table entries that have been added.These have the same meaning as the added object types.
                                          If an error occurs during the report run, the system outputs acorresponding error message.

                                          Check the standard settings and adjust them to your requirements.
                                          Start the report.


                                          • You want to create a new application class (Z_MYAPPLCLASS, for example)
                                          • that refers completely to BRF standard objects.
                                            In this case, make the following settings:
                                            Enter application class Z_MYAPPLCLASS.
                                            Set the two flags Create Cross-Client Appl.Class and CreateClient-Specific Appl.Class.
                                            Enter a short text for the application class.
                                            In the sections Event Types, Rule Types and Rule SetTypes, set the flag Standard Class.
                                            Leave all other settings unchanged.
                                            • You want to furnish an application class (like Z_MY_TINY_CLASS) with
                                            • restricted functional scope. The cross-client and client-specific partsof the application class have already been defined. You have alreadycreated your own runtime class for your BRF events (ZCL_MY_EVENT) andyour own maintenance class for rules (ZCL_MY_RULES_MNT). You do not wantto use rule sets.
                                              In this case, make the following settings:
                                              Enter application class Z_MY_TINY_CLASS.
                                              With the expression types, only set the flags Constant, SAPFormula and Simple Access, in other words, remove the flagwith all other expression types.
                                              In the section Event Types, set the flag Application-SpecificClasses and enter ZCL_MY_EVENT as the runtime class.
                                              In the section Rule Types, set the flag Application-SpecificClass and enter ZCL_MY_RULES_MNT as the maintenance class.