Programme SAP BPREP_RETRAKTOR_BCS_BADI - Plan Data Transfer into the FM Budget Control System

This program transfers budget plan data collated using the BADIBPREP_RETRACTION_BCS into the FundsManagement (FM) BudgetControl System.
You can only transfer the data for an FM area, version and fiscal yearfor each plan data transfer. This data is taken from the first datarecord of the plan data returned in the BADI. If FM area, version orfiscal year appear in other data records, these data records are nottransferred into FM. However, they are noted in the plan data transferlog.

must be implemented. This BADI is used to determine which data isread and how this data is to be transferred into the Budget ControlSystem using this program.
You can find additional information about which parameters are relevantfor plan data transfer inDocumentationfor the BADI method GET_RETRACTION_DATA.

The program generates entry documents for budget entry. An entrydocument can contain several FM accounts assignments here.
The data transfer is noted in a Log, which contains all notifications arising during the datatransfer.
Note: When the update profile 600, and thus the budgetary ledger, isactive for an FM area, the additional fields for the budgetary ledgerneed to be given via the BADI interface for the BADI method. These arethen transferred into the entry document.