Programme SAP BPREP_RETRAKTOR_BCS - Plan Data Transfer from the BW System into BCS

This program transfers budget plan data from the BW system to the FundsManagement Budget ControlSystem.

You can access the following programs from the initial screen:

  • Cancellation

  • Variants

  • Logs
  • Prerequisites
    The BW system being used must have at least release status 2.0A.
    You need to carry out the following IMG activities for the BudgetControl System in Customizing:

    • Create Number Ranges for Plan Data Transfer
    • from the BW System
      • Define Field Assignments
      • Features
        The program determines the account assignments in Funds Management fromthe field assignment defined in Customizing, as long as no derivation isrequired for the determination of the budget addresses.
        This is the case when planning was already made for budget addresses.
        When a derivation is required to determine the budget addresses, thederivation strategy defined in your Customizing settings is run.

        The program only transfers plan data that has the specified FM area,version and fiscal year to the SAP Budget Control System. When the querycontains data that does not meet this criteria, the data is nottransferred, although it is noted in the log.
        You only need to specify the key date if you defined in Customizing thata derivation should take place for the field assignment.
        You only need to enter a derivation strategy if you selected "DerivationBudget Planning" as the derivation in Customizing for the fieldassignment for the chosen query.

        The program generates entry documents for budget entry. An entrydocument can contain several budget addresses.
        The data transfer is noted in a Log
        that contains all messages arising from the data transfer.
        Note: When update profile 600, and as such the budgetary ledger, isactive, the additional fields for the budgetary ledger are shown, andare also transferred to the entry document.