Programme SAP BPRELEASE - Transfer Budget to Budget Subtype for Availability Control

The program BPRELEASE transfers budget from the entered budget subtypeto the subtype for availability control (AVC) that is defined incustomizing for FM area and fund/fund type. You can use this program torelease budget periodically.
You start for an FM area, fiscal year, and a version. If no version isentered, the program assumes version 000. You enter the budget subtype- that is, the sender subtype from where you want to transfer budget tothe subtype for availability control. The posting date is alsorequired; at your option, you can enter a posting period. If you do notwant to transfer budget on all possible accounts, you can restrict theaccounts by selecting fund type, fund, funds center, commitment item,or functional area.
For each selected fund, you must define budget subtypes for AVC incustomizing. You can do this at the level of FM area and fund or fundtype. The program first searches for subtypes defined for the fund. Ifit does not find any, it searches for one for the fund type.
The program then reads all accounts that have budget of the enteredsender subtype and that match the selections you made on the entryscreen. For all these accounts, it creates transfer postings from theentered sender subtype to the subtype for AVC. The accounts themselvesare not changed. For each fund and budget category (payment/commitmentbudget), the program creates budget entry documents with the transfers.If there are more than 499 transfers, a second document is created, asentry documents cannot have more than 999 lines.
To distinguish the documents created by this program from othertransfer documents, the system writes the text "BPRELEASE" into thedocument header text.
