Programme SAP BPINDX05 - Prepare Budget Carryforward in Funds Management (2 Years)

The program BPINDX05 groups all the commitment/actual datatogether for the fiscal year-change. You must start this program if you

  • want to carry forward budget for commitments, which means budget, that
  • has been released into the new fiscal year by the carryforward, into thenew fiscal year and/or
    • if you want to carry forward budget remainder into the new fiscal year

    • The procedure is different for the expenditures andrevenues:
      Die rule is applied as with the availability control.
      If in the Budget structure plan youhave defined no Budget object, startingfrom the funds center and commitment item statedwhen posting, search upwards in the hierarchy for the first elementwhich has received budget. For a budget carryforward this budgetbudget carrying element in the senderyear or in the receiver year is thereceiving element.
      If you have defined budget objects in the budget structure plan, thenthe expenditures are brought up to the first budget object that is foundin the hierarchy. For a budget carryforward this budget object is thenthe sending element in the sender or the receiving element in thereceiver year.
      If you have defined budget objects in the budget structure plan and youhave chosen the setting "Check on the lowest budget object with budget"the expenditures are brought up to the first budget object with budgetthat is found in the hierarchy. For a budget carryforward this budgetobject is then the sending element in the sender year or the receivingelement in the receivere year.
      If you have definded no budget object in the budget structure plan thenthe revenues are not brought up the the budget carrying elementbut stay on the account-assigned element. For a budget carryforwardthis account-assignedelement is then the sender element in thesender year or the receiver element in the receiver year.
      If you have defined budget objects in the budget structure plan therevenues are brought up to the first budget object found in thehierarchy. For a budget carryforward this budget object is then thesending element in the sender year or the receiving element in thereceiver year.
      Report parameters:
      FM area
      Fiscal year
      You must start the reports for determining the budget carry forward(RFFMCF25)and for executing the budget carry forward (RFFMCF30)immediately after this report.