Title Analysis program for active availability control orders BPFCTRA1 Purpose When assigned values posted to orders are analyzed, the existinginformation system reports may be unsuitable because the assigned valueof active availability control is generally different to the assignedvalue of passive availability control. The assigned value of activeavailability control is displayed in the budget transactions, thevalidation runs against it in accordance with the tolerance limits set.The value of passive availability control that is displayed in theinformation system comes from the addition of the actual costs and commitment values. Theexempt cost elements of availability control are generally notinterpreted in this process and the logic regarding settlement creditsis not taken into account. The program analyzes assigned values posted to orders, theircomposition and the Customizing settings relevant for availabilitycontrol. Integration The program is included in the budgeting transaction, you can call itup under Extras > Availability Control > Analysis. Selection The program selects the internal orders and CO accrual orders (ordercategories 01 and 02) without project assignment, the orders analyzedmust all belong to the same order category. Output The current budget and the assigned values determined by availabilitycontrol are listed at the level of the orders. If availability controlis not active, the corresponding order is highlighted in color (white)and orders with active availability control in blue. The program liststhe posted costs, revenues and commitments under the order, but the period values are displayed separately. The main key fields ofthe record are displayed in the database for each value and are separated from each other by a "|" sign. Inthis way it is possible to analyze the posted values more closely usingprogram RKACSHOW. Note that the key contains the field transactioncurrency, but the value if always issued in the currency that is alsochecked by availability control. This can be the controlling areacurrency or the object currency according to the setting in the budgetprofile. The key fields displayed are: Tables COSP/COSS: Fiscal year, value type, cost element, origin,transaction , debit indicator, transaction currency. If a value is not relevant for availability control (for example,exempt cost element, settlement to a non-potential budget controlledobject, ...), the line is highlighted in color (red) and given anindicator which displays the reason. A legend explaining the meaning ofthe indicators used is issued in the list header. |