Programme SAP BPFCTRA0 - Analysis Program for Active Availability Control

Analysis Program for Active Availability Control Projects BPFCTRA0

When analyzing assigned values posted to projects, the existinginformation system reports may not be suitable because the assignedvalue of active availability control is generally different to theassigned value of passive availability control. (The assigned value ofactive availability control is displayed in the budget transactions andthe validation runs against it in accordance with the tolerance limitsset. The value of passive availability that is displayed in theinformation system results from the addition of the actual costs,commitment values and the residual plan). The analysis of the data ismore complicated in the case of project budgeting because thevalidation of the costs incurred is possibly not carried
out against the budget/the releases of the object itself, but againstthe budget/the releases of a subordinate object. This only applies ifnot budget/releases were distributed to the object itself. In addition,settlement within the project hierarchy be more complicated
and the rules of the order value update should be taken into accountfor the assigned orders and networks.
You can use the program to analyze assigned values posted to WBSelements, their composition and the Customizing settings relevant toavailability control.

The program is included in the budget transaction, you can call it upunder Extras > Availability Control > Analysis.


The project structure is issued with all posted costs and revenues.
The program lists the distributable budget, the distributable releasesand the assigned values determined by availability control at the levelof the WBS elements. If availability control is not active aninformation message is issued. In this case, the program can startanalyzing the posted costs, revenues, plan values and commitmentsbecause the identification of the values not relevant to availabilitycontrol works. WBS elements that are not distributed to budget/releasesare highlighted in color (white) contrasted with the budget objects inblue. In this way, you can easily identify the WBS elements that arenot checked by availability control.(The distributable budget value ofa WBS element can be zero and the WBS elements is still a budgetobject, for example, if the budget was changed the value zero by areturn).
The program lists the posted costs, revenues, and commitments under theWBS elements or the assigned orders and networks, but the period valuesare listed separately. Plan values are only assigned for orders andnetworks because they can only enter the assigned value there. Thebasic key fields of the record are displayed in the database and areseparated from each other by a '|' sign. This makes it possible toanalyze the assigned values more closely using program RKACSHOW. Notethat the key contains the field transaction currency, but the postedvalue is always issued in the currency that is checked by availabilitycontrol.This can be the controlling area currency or the objectcurrency depending on the setting in the budget profile. The key fieldsdisplayed are:
Tables COSP/COSS: fiscal year, value type, cost type, origin,transaction, debit indicator, transaction currency
Table BPGE: value type, transaction, transaction currency
Table BPJA: fiscal year, value type, transaction, transaction currency
If a value is not relevant for availability control (for example,exempt cost element, settlement to a non-potential object controlled bybudget,...
), the line is highlighted in color (red) and given an indicator whichdisplays the reason. A legend explaining the meaning of the indicatorsused in issued in the list header.
If an overall plan value exists for an object, values planned at yearlevel are not relevant for availability control and are not displayedby the analysis program.

1606017BPFCTRA0: Unjustified error 00 208 for =SUM
196149BPFCTRA0: Analysis program active availabil.control projects
1414563Different assigned values in availability ctrl and reporting
178837Availability control: Incorrect assigned value?
797046Prevent GPDS/P entries from contributing to assigned values
1118333Assigned value for goods receipt in valuated project stock
873977Controlling elements in availability control
574187Budget overrun in spite of error message
484909BPFCTRA0/BPFCTRA1:Cost element incorrectly E:Revenue element
484047BPFCTRA0/BPFCTRA1: Value type 60 (Parked document)
421135BPFCTRA0/BPFCTRA1: Including in budgeting menu
400554BPFCTRA0:Structure planning values and transaction currency
382822BPFCTRA0: Settlement credits incorrectly categorized