Programme SAP BPDIST07 - Reconstruct Budget Values per Budget Type and Budget Subtype

You use this program if you have changed the budget structure (BS): Youhave added/deleted a new level or added, moved or deleted individualbudget objects. In order to guarantee the consistency of the budgetvalues at the top of the structure, you must either adjust the budgetdata manually or start this program. In each case, you must recontsructthe assigned values.
Provided that neither budget values or consumed amounts are saved in thesystem for the changed elements , a change to the BS is not important.The same applies to adding new budget objects. You should avoidreassigning budget objects on which budget was already posted.

If you use the active availability control, you must reconstruct theassigned values once you have executed this program.
If you use budget surcharges (European Commission customers), you mustrecalculate the budget surcharges after executing the program.

On the lowest level of the budget structure, the distributed value isalways 0 and the distributable value matches the budget value. On allhigher levels, the program determines the respective values as follows:the distributed value of a BS element results from the total of thebudget values of all subordinate BS elements. The distributable value ofthe BS element is not changed by the program. The budget value of the BSelement is only adjusted if something has changed with the budget valuesof the subordinate BS elements. The program does not overwrite thebudget values but posts the determined differences and then reconstructsthe distributed values for all BS elements.
If you have saved data in an inconsistent state and then change thebudget structure, the budget will remain inconsistent. ProgramReconstruct Budget Values does not overwrite any budget values,it adjusts them instead so that the distributable value is maintained.
In contrast to program Reconstruct Budget(BPDIST05),in this program the differences between budget types and budget subtypesare distinguished. The differences are determined for each budget typeand budget subtype. The budget values of the superior BS elements arerecalculated with these differences and adjusted.
All budget types and budget subtypes and the corresponding releases arealways adjusted. It is not possible to select the budget type to beadjusted.
Parked budget values are also adjusted by the program. Documents areonly generated for the difference postings. The program only adjusts thecorresponding totals records when the distributed values arereconstructed.

The output log contains success messages and/or the errors that occurredfor each budget type, commitment budget, commitment budget releases,payment budget and payment budget releases.

Execute the program in the background.
Reconstruct the assigned values.
European Commission customers: recalculate the budget surcharges.

If postings are affected by the changes to the budget structure, theserecords are reconstructed in accordance with the logic for maintainingthe distributed value. This can cause an unwanted posting recipient orsender records to occur in the following case:
In this example, a posting of AA1.1.1 to AA1.1.2 was carried out in theold hierarchy. Afterwards, the hierarchy was changed and programBPDIST07 was executed.
Hierarchy before the change:
Account assignment element AA1.1.1 d is no longer in the hierarchy ofsubtree AA1.1 and is now under AA2:
After executing program BPDIST07 , the budget values are as follows:
Sender records KBUS of account assignments AA1.1 and AA1 and thereceiver records KBUE of these account assignments are not those thatyou would receive if the posting was carried out with the new hierarchy.In total, so in the current budget, everything is correct.
You can avoid these records by reversing the the postings affected bythe changes to the budget structure before the change and reconstructingthem after the change.