Programme SAP BPCARRM01 - Budget Structure Mass Processing

Mass Processing of Budget Structure

Program BPCARRM01 allows you to generate or delete budgetstructure elements via a mass selection of Funds Management accountassignments (FM account assignments) as a mass processing.

This function is available to two groups of customers:

  • Customers using the standard functions of Funds Management Government.
  • These customers have flagged the ISPS active field in theFunds Management Government IMG in activity Activate GlobalISPS Functions.
    • Customers using the functions for the German Government and working with
    • more than one funds center in budget planning. These customers haveflagged the ISPS active and Local Authorities fields inthe Funds Management Government IMG in activity ActivateGlobal Local Authorities Functions. The Commitment Item Hierarchy
      field in IMG activity Define Global Parameters must also beflagged.
      Customers who are using the functions for the German Government but areworking with only one funds center cannot use this function.These customers can use the Generate Budget Objects forthe Budget function.

      You can make the following changes in the budget structure for an FMarea/fiscal year:

      • Generate or delete budget objects

      • Generate or delete posting objects
      • Selection of FM account assignments to be processed
        Call up program RFFMSTRP via pushbutton FM accountassignments selection to get a selection of FM account assignments tobe processed. Select and flag the desired account assignments (values)in program RFFMSTRP and transfer these using pushbutton Transfervalues for processing in program BPCARRM01.
        If you have to select Funds Centers from a funds center hierarchy
        , you must flag the And all subordinates field on the selectionscreen. If you do not specify a hierarchy variant, the program selectsthe funds centers from the hierarchy variant that has been assigned forthe given FM area and fiscal year in the Customizing of FundsManagement Government.

        Execute program
        You can execute the program in a test run or update run.
        The update run can be performed directly or, if you set theBackground processing indicator, in the background as a batchjob.

        BS change for existing budget values
        The program even makes changes in the BS if budget data already exists.This could lead to inconsistent budget data in such cases.
        If budget data already exists, we recommend not making changes to theBS. If you still have to make changes, you have 2 possibilities ofcorrecting inconsistent budget data:
        You perform a reconstruction of distributed values, adjust the budgetvalues manually and subsequently start the reconstruction of assignedvalues.
        You perform the rconstruction of budget values using programBPDIST05 and subsequently start the reconstruction of assignedvalues.
        Please note:
        Program BPDIST05 does not in all cases guarantee the complete removal ofinconsistent budget states. See the Programdocumentation for more information.

        A log is issued and lists the following:

        • Successfully generated/deleted BS elements

        • Successfully generated/deleted BS elements with warning

        • Incompleted actions with error message
        • Activities
          You start the program in the menu of Funds Management, under
          Master Data -> Budget Structure -> Former Budgeting -> Mass Processing
          Enter the FM area and fiscal year, set the indicator(s) Budgetobject and/or Posting object and select the action to beperformed.
          Choose FM account assignment selektion.
          You access the screen Selection of FM Account Assignments.
          Define the selection parameters and exectue program RFFMSTRP.
          Flag the FM account assignment desired and choose Transfer values.
          You go back to the screen Mass Processing of Budget Structure.
          Choose Execute to execute the selected actions for the previouslyflagged FM account assignments.